Monday, May 13, 2013

Brazil Cars unsafe!

The assembly lines in Brazil produce over 10,000 cars a day but does the quanity affect the quality. Brazil car makers are making cars that would not not impact testing the the U.S. but that doesn't matter to the Brazilian Auto Makers. They just want to keep pumping out vehicles to make more money even though they have 40 percent more traffic deaths than the United States. These new cars that are being made are pretty much all for the Midlle Class people. Most of the people in Brazil are in the Middle class. Saftey offials in Brazil are concerned but the car makers arent.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tebow Petition

Fans started a petition and posted it to the White House's petition page online for the Jaguars to sign Tim Tebow. The fans had to take it all the way to the top to Mister President because the Jaguars organization wants nothing to do with Tebow. The petition has 329 signatures at the moment which is far behind the 100,000 they need by May 30. The fans say that if the Jaguars sign Tebow and start him every home game, the stadium will sell out which will raise stock in the organization. The Jaguars are smart for not wanting Tebow but will the organization give in for money sake?,0,6931958.story

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Tired Elk

In Colorado, there is a elk that has a tire around its neck. This elk is running around this town wearing the tire as if it were a necklace. Wildlife offials dont want to remove the tire from the elk because they would have to tranquilize it. They dont want to tranquilize it because they believe it might be pregnant and they might cause harm to the baby. The tire is not affecting the elk in anyway it can still eat and breath normally. It is just adding some muscle to the neck of it. This isn't the first wierd thing that has happened to an elk. Four years ago an elk had a bar stool stuck to its head.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Unsafe building

In Bangladesh an eighty story building collapsed killing at least 87  people. This building was where a bunc of garmet factories was located. They dont know exactly how many people were killed as they are still removing the pieces that collapsed. The workers that were there werent going to come to work this morning because of the big cracks that devolped in the building yesterday. 5 months ago this building also started on fire and killed 112 people. This building supposively violated building codes and the builders will be punished.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prison Break

This past saturday French Gangster Redoine Faid broke out of prison. He made the remarkable break from Sequedin Prison located in Lille. He escaped by  holding 4 guards hostage and blowing off several prison doors and then hopped into a get away car. He fleed all the rest of the guards on the escape and is still doing so in the car. The car that he was driving he set on fire and then he left 2 hostages laying in the middle of the highway. The authorities are still trying to find him but they arent having much luck. The prison says that the escape is due to a overpopulation and they think when his wife visited last that she snuck in the bombs.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dutch Meat recalled

50,000 tons of meat from The Netherlands have been recalled across Europe. The meat is being recalled is because they dont know exactly where it came from. They say that some of the meat may be horse meat. Latley there was some beef that was sold in Europe that was actually horse meat. The meat that has been recalled dates all the way back to January of 2011 until February of this year. The safety of the meat is also in question. But since the meat dates back to that long ago most people probably already ate it and i haven't heard a large death amout or crisis in Europe so things are fine.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dome comes to Gibraltar

Today the Metradome was flown from Minnesota to Fish Creek wisconsin and dropped so it covered the baseball field and track. The former building that housed the Twins and the Vikings, was bought by Gibraltar due to the terrible spring we are having. Now the baseball team will be able to have productive practices and play their games. They are also making money off of the building because other teams are paying to play in the building since  the snow will not leave. Rumors also have it that the building will hold community events like country music concerts, basketball tournaments and whatever wants to be held their. This is a great building for Fish Creek and mainly Gibraltar baseball because they do own it.